Thrive in Life.

Pastor Alan Ryan, RPh, MBA, MA, MDiv, DEdMin

During childhood my parents were not regular church goers nor showed any signs of faith beyond saying grace at dinner. Ultimately, they divorced, and both ended up suffering from addiction. That journey motivated me to promise my future family that they would not suffer that kind of instability and stress. By God’s grace, I accepted Christ and eventually chose to be intentional about following him, including being discipled by some faithful Christians and participating in life-changing Christian education programs that dramatically blessed my life and the life of my family. That experience has given me a passion to want to bless and teach as many people (especially young couple and parents) as possible about growing, healing, relationships, parenting and finances so they may thrive in life starting today. 

By God’s grace and provision I was awarded a Bachelor of Science, Pharmacy from Howard University, Washington, D.C. in 1989. A Sunday School class at Friendship Baptist Church, Atlanta where Maynard Jackson quoted Hebrews 11:1 inspired me to become a regular student of the Bible. Since then formal biblical studies have led me to complete both a Masters of Leadership (2011) and a Masters of Divinity (2013) from Luther Rice Seminary and a doctorate of educational ministries at Dallas Theological Seminary in May 2022.

My wife, Suzanne, and I have been married for over thirty years and have two young adult children who exercise their faith and have successfully left the nest in the form of becoming financially independent upon graduating from college.

It is my hope that this ministry outreach enables more people to thrive in life. .

Reverend Gregory E. Wilson, BS, MA, MFT

By God’s grace and provision, I was awarded a Bachelor of Science, Management from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA. in 1984. I started at the age of 10 teaching Sunday School at St Rose AME Church, Grand Ridge, Florida where teaching came naturally. The lesson was Daniel 6:16 it encouraged me to keep standing and serving the Lord regardless of circumstances. Since then formal biblical and family systems studies have led me to complete both a Masters of Christian Education (2000) and a Masters of Marriage and Family Therapy (2012) from Mercer University School of Medicine and current doctorate candidate of educational ministries at Columbia Theological Seminary completion goal December 2023.

My wife, Robbie, and I have been married for over thirty years and have two young adult children who exercise their faith and have successfully started careers achieving life goals of becoming financially independent upon graduating from college.

It is my prayer is that this ministry outreach enables more people to be sound spiritually, restored emotionally, and to thrive in life. .